Tag Archives: homeless policy makers

New research says housing homeless is than the status quo

A new study says there’s a consensus forming on how to fix one of the most stubborn social problems: homelessness.

The study by Stephen Gaetz, director of the Canadian Homelessness Research Network, pulls together research from across Canada and the United States, which suggests it’s far cheaper to give a homeless person a place to live than to provide a patchwork of emergency services.

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The Homeless Vote Matters

Bobbie Ibarra

Executive Director, Miami Coalition for the Homeless says:


According to recent literature, only one-tenth of individuals experiencing homelessness actually exercise the right to vote, and over the years, this number has been fairly consistent. This is unfortunate because homeless voters can make a difference. Some advocates believe the real impact of the homeless vote lies in local elections because local legislation and policies about funding, housing, healthcare, transportation, and employment can often have a greater direct impact on individuals experiencing homelessness.

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